Understanding Polyethylene Plastic

Polyethylene Plastic Case Manufacturing at Bel-Air-Cases, Ontario, CA.


Polyethylene, the largest volume thermoplastic polymer used in the market today, is considered the work horse of thermoplastics. Some polyethylenes are flexible, others are rigid; some have poor impact strength, others are virtually unbreakable. At Bel-Air-Cases we manufacture our made-to-order cases using high-density polyethylene also referred to as HDPE.

The benefits of using HDPE plastic for our cases is vast. It has several properties that make it ideal as a packaging and manufacturing product. It’s stronger than standard polyethylene, acts as an effective barrier against moisture and remains solid at room temperature. It resists insects, rot and other chemicals. HDPE also creates no harmful emissions during its production or during its use by the customer.  Also, HDPE leaks no toxic chemicals into the soil or water.

HPDE is also extremely lightweight, due to the density of the material. This not only makes the manufactuing of our cases faster and easier, but it also makes transporting lighter. The low weight combined with the many options that high density polythene is available in, make it an ideal choice for creating custom cases for our customers.

Key Benefits of High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

  • Abrasion resistant
  • Stress crack resistance
  • Specially designed machined shapes and profiles
  • High tensile strength
  • Excellent energy absorption