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custom flight caseWhile it might seem dramatic to assign heroic status to a flight case, Bel-Air Cases have provided an ultimate level of protection for our clients for more than 50 years, and this includes military and aerospace clients who truly have to put their cases into some highly rigorous environments.

Although your case might not be bouncing around inside an armored personnel carrier or taking a trip up to the International Space Station, we know that you need a flight case that can protect your equipment for hundreds of trips via land, sea or air and our cases are equal to the task. If you need an ATA case, our cases are built to ATA standards and can be built to meet most MIL specs, as well.

Custom Shipping Cases: Built Around Your Equipment

If you need to transport delicate and/or expensive equipment, a custom flight case is typically your best option.  Off-the-shelf cases simply cannot provide the level of protection that a custom Bel-Air flight case can provide.

Each of our cases is custom-built to your exact specifications ensuring that whatever you place inside is protected, no matter what happens during transport. We construct case shells out of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), one of the most durable types of plastic available.

HDPE also offers many other advantages. It’s lightweight, which makes it easier to maneuver, but also can reduce your shipping costs. Additionally, HDPE is highly chemical-resistant and water-resistant, and we can design cases that lock out moisture and humidity to further protect whatever is placed inside.

We offer both heavy-duty carrying cases and heavy-duty shipping cases. The carrying cases are ideal for diagnostic equipment, medical equipment, camera equipment and anything that you need to be able to carry about easily.

For larger or heavier items, our shipping cases are the perfect option. Whether you are looking for road cases for your music gear, lighting cases, audio/visual equipment cases, computer equipment cases or some other types of expensive gear, our shipping cases are a perfect option.

Custom Case Foam:

Do you need a hard plastic case with foam inside? Of course, you do! Custom case foam is a crucial part of the case equation, absorbing impacts and vibration and cushioning every piece of your equipment perfectly. At Bel-Air Cases, we never hand off a case to a customer without providing a custom foam insert.

Too often, equipment cases with foam include a cheap type of foam known and pick-and-pluck foam or diced foam. This is just a large chunk of foam without any custom-made cavities. Not only is the quality of the foam poor, but it also forces the customer to cut away the material to create cavities for their equipment and this isn’t nearly as protective as a custom foam insert.

At Bel-Air, we are experts at crafting foam interiors. We can provide you with anything from a simple foam liner up to a complicated interior with panel mounts, shock mounts, windows, plastic dividers, interior walls and, of course, custom die-cut cavities created to fit perfectly around each piece of equipment.

Typically, we can provide a custom interior for about the same price as you would expect to pay for a case with cheap diced foam and our foam acts as a second layer of protection for your equipment, providing even more insurance against damage during transport.

Bel-Air Cases: 55+ Years Of Experience

Back in the late 60s, when we were just getting our start, vacuum-formed plastic cases weren’t common. In fact, we are the original manufacturer of custom vacuum-formed carrying cases and shipping cases!

We got in early during the plastic revolution, and throughout the last 50-plus years, we’ve designed cases for just about any item imaginable.

While we are proud of our history of producing amazing cases, we do have one small regret. Back in the 60s, many companies highlighted their products with amazing industrial musicals. These musicals often were presented as a celebratory event during yearly sales meetings or conventions, and we do wish that we had hopped on the industrial music bandwagon. (To learn more about the wonder that was industrial musicals, check out the documentary “Bathtubs Over Broadway.”)

Given that Bel-Air was founded in 1967, right around the “summer of love,” with the hippie movement in full swing and the off-Broadway release of the musical “Hair,” we imagine that the highlight of our industrial musical (no doubt entitled “The Plastic Case Revolution.”) would feature our version of a classic “Hair” song.

The Age of the Bel-Air Case (using the tune from “Aquarius”)

When You Fly, and Need A Shipping Case

And Worry The Air Is Rough

Let Bel-Air Guide Your Travels

And Protect Your Precious Stuff


This Is the dawning of the age of the Bel-Air Case

Age of the Bel-Air Case

The Bel-Air Case

The Bel-Air Case


A Design Team So Understanding

Custom Features Are Abounding

Amazing Custom Plastic Extrusion

Quality Custom Foam Inclusion

Join The Case Design Evolution

It’s A Plastic Revolution


The Bel-Air Case

The Bel-Air Case


This Is the dawning of the age of the Bel-Air Case

Age of the Bel-Air Case

The Bel-Air Case

The Bel-Air Case


Our cases shine, our cases shine

The vacuum-formed cases – let them shine

Our cases shine, our cases shine

The vacuum-formed cases – let them shine


Doubtless, it would have brought our sales and production staff to tears, but, alas, it was not meant to be. What was meant to be, however, was years of providing clients with the finest quality custom transport cases and we are still proud to be a top producer of custom cases to this day.

If you need a custom flight case (or cases) that can truly handle the rigors of transport, the team at Bel-Air Cases is always here to help. To get started on a custom case order, simply click on the Contact Us tab on our homepage and fill out our quick contact form. A member of our team will contact you as quickly as possible to gather more details and set your case project in motion.